远飞艺术生文化补习名校 短文阅读2

The older generation has been thinking of us as lazy individuals with no ambition. They often think we want everything handed to us. I don’t think so.

First of all, let me introduce a nine-year-old girl named Hilde who spends her time running her own news reporting website, Orange Street News. Hilde created the website in 2014 when she was just seven years old with the help of her father and sister. However, this young girl is receiving negative comments from individuals on social media after she reported a piece of inappropriate news on her website. Several comments told the girl that she should be playing with dolls instead.

There is no doubt that this is annoying. First, these comments belittle(轻视) this girl by assuming that her only interests at this age should be to play with dolls. Clearly, she likes to write and report, which is why she created this website. Second, Hilde is doing something that she wants to do for you who think her age is a good indicator of her capabilities.

Whats more, what I found most difficult to understand is that the majority(大多数) of these comments are from people four times this girls age. She is only nine years old and she praises the world with proper grammar and spelling. If youre going to attack her for her freedom of speech, at least make your own grammar and spelling proper like hers.

I think that Hilde should be encouraged by their parents and communities, not discouraged because she reported the news instead of their local newspaper. We live in a world where information can be found in seconds, thanks to our modern technology. As a young writer myself, I am proud that Hilde is using her passion to make a difference to the world and put herself out there and she doesn’t let these unkind words stop her from doing what she loves.

You can’t tell what I am capable of based on my age, nor can you tell what Hilde is capable because of hers.

4. Some net users have been criticizing Hilde because ____.

A. she is a girl with no ambition

B. her interest is unlike other children’s              

C. she reports news in order to make a fortune

D. a piece of news reported on her website is inappropriate

5. What does the author think of the negative comments on Hilde?

A. Helpful.       B. Critical.      

C. Wrong.        D. Persuasive.

6. What makes the author take pride in Hilde?

A. The fact that Hilde knows her freedom of speech.

B. Hilde’s passion for reporting and attitude towards the comments.

C. The fact that Hilde can use her writing skills properly.         

D. Hilde’s determination to report more news from now on.

7. The author wants to say in the passage that the older generation ____.

A. should stop judging teenagers by their age

B. always makes more mistakes than teenagers

C. doesn’t make good use of social media in their life

D. should never blame teenagers for what they’ve done