艺术生文化补习名校 情景交际

1.It is broadcast that the opera Cats _______ at the Theatre Royal on 19th March.

A. opens B. is opened C. open D. will be opened

2. By the time you have finished reading the newspaper, the supper ________ cold.

A. gets B. has got C. will get D. is getting

3.---Did you get to the village before sunset?

---No, it was already midnight. My bike ______ on the way.

A. broke B. has broken C. was breaking D. had broken

4.---Have you cleaned the classroom , Wang Fang?

 --- Yes, I  ______ it together with Li Min and Zhou Tao.

A. cleaned B. have cleaned C. had cleaned D. was cleaning

5.---Jack, you ______ the window quickly, will you?

  ---OK! Oh! The window ______ broken.

A. are shutting, was B. shut, is C. have shut, has D. will, has been

6.---Why _____ so early? The movie doesnt start till seven.

--- I dont want to be at the traffic there. It is terrible during the rush hour.

A. have you left B. do you leave C. would you leave  D. are you leaving

7. I wasnt sure if he really liked me or if he _____ friendly to a newcomer of the town.

A. was just being B. will just be C. had just been D. would just be

8. ---Got your US visa?

 ---Not yet. I ____ too busy to apply for an appointment, so I didnt go to Shanghai last week.   

A. was B. have been C. had been D. would be

9.Each time Mum _____ my room cautiously since she knew I was sleeping.

A. has passed B. passed C. had passed D. passes

10. Those postcards were so lovely that they_____ in no time.

A. sold B. had been sold C. were sold D. have been sold

11. ---Why is the chemical plant closed?

---Because large quantities of waste water _____ into the Yangtze River.

A. has been released B. is being released C. was released D. have been released

12. Those who said looking after children was an easy way to make money obviously _____ such a troublesome boy, she thought.

A. hadnt met B. did meet C. havent met D. wouldn t meet

13.---My uncle received a ticket for speeding. He _____ have driven so fast.

A. shouldnt B. mustnt C. wouldnt D. cant

14. I went there in 1984,and that was the merely occasion when I ______ the journey in exactly two days.       

A. must take B. must have made C. was able to make D. could take

15. You should plan for things that ______ happen and not just react to things that have happened.

A. need B. should C. must D. might

16.It is strange that, as a German, Karl Marx ______ in London.

A. lived and died B. had lived and died  C. would live and die D. should have lived and died         

17.---As an American, you ______ know that famous novel the catcher in the Rye.       

 ---No, I never read novels.

A. can B. will C. need D. must

18. Birds sing after a storm. Why _____ people feel as free to delight in whatever sunlight remains to them?

A. shouldn’t  B. mustnt C. couldnt D. neednt  

19.If Susan had enough money, she _______ on the trip to Korea.

A. had gone B. would go C. went D. would have gone

20.Any living thing _______ without water.

A. would die B. can die C. should die D. may die

21.A sense of anxiety _______ if we were addicted to various social networking applications.

A. would have arisen B. has arisen C. will arise D. could arise

22.---Thank you for your assistance, without it I ______ in danger.

---Thats all right, anyone in my place ______ the same thing.

A. must be, would do           B. might have been, would have done

C. could have been, had done      D. must have been, will do

23.The MH370 from Malaysia crashed in the southern India Ocean, _____ global concern about flight safety.

A. to cause B. caused C. causing D. having caused

24.The officer gave orders that anyone ______ a gun should be reported to the police station.

A. saw take B. seen taking C. seeing take    D. seen take

25. The boys _____ by the coach now will take part in the sports meeting of the school next month.

A. chosen B. being chosen C. choosing D. to be chosen

26. The boys _____ by the coach already will take part in the sports meeting of the school next month.

A. chosen B. being chosen C. choosing D. to be chosen

27. Days of snowstorms have left the city ______ under thick layers of ice and some 50,000 homes without power.

A. to be trapped B. trapped C. having trapped D. being trapped

28.It is reported that Oxford English Dictionary is considering _____ the Chinese word tuhao to its next edition.

A. adding B. added C. to add D. to be added   

29. The couple is considering ______ a 3D TV set for their new flat, which is widely considered to be in fashion.

A. to buy B. buy C. buying D. to be bought

30. Edison is considered _______ the light bulb.

A. to invent B. inventing C. to have invented D. being invented

31._______ her ambition of becoming a professional singer, she has been training very hard since an early age.

A. Realizing B. To realize C. Having realized D. To have realized

32. ______ she would be late for school, she decided to take a bus instead of walking.

A. Realizing B. To realize C. Having realized D. To have realized

33.---Why havent you decide what present to buy for your moms birthday?

---As you know, there are too many pretty things in the store ______, and it is really hard to make a decision.

A. to be chosen from B. being chosen from C. chosen form D. to choose from

34.What s the chance of _______ a general election this year?

A. there being B. there to be C. there be D. there going to be

35. A Chinese girl student was kidnapped while traveling abroad, ______ shocked us Chinese.

A. a fact that B. that C. one that D. the one that

36.---Have you told your parents about your decision?

 ---Not yet. I can hardly imagine ______ they will react.

A. what B. that C. how D. when

37.It is hard for elderly people to see _____ convenience a smart phone can bring to us.

A. which B. whose C. what D. how

38.This still leaves the question of _____ local public services should be improved in the next five years.

A. whose B. how C. when D. where

39.Many restaurant menus include the origins of a dish, ______ it is prepared, what the main ingredients are, and which farms the ingredients come from.

A. when B. how C. what D. which

40.________ matters much _______ our headmaster supports our plan.

A. As, that B. It, whether C. That, if D. What, whether

41.---How do you think I can make up with Tony?

  ---Put aside______ you disagree and try to find ______ you have in common.

A. what, what B. what, where C. where, what D. what, whether

42. As many as more than 10 courses are provided, and we are free to choose ____ suits us best.

A. whichever B. whenever C. wherever D. whatever

43. Fast as you _____, you cant finish the book so soon.

A. reading B. read C. to read D. to be read

44.The international agreement, which _____ to encourage children not to smoke and help people to kick the habit was signed on 27 Feb.

A. was intended B. being intended C. to intended D. intended

45. The international agreement, _____ to encourage children not to smoke and help people to kick the habit was signed on 27 Feb.

A. was intended B. being intended C. to intended D. intended

46.We came to our hometown _____ we had never paid a visit to our relatives since we left.

A. where B. that C. to which D. which

47. We came to our hometown _____ we had never paid a visit to since we left.

A. where B. in which C. to which D. which

48.I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to ______.

A. make a choice B. make a decision C. make progress D. make sense

49. ---Silly me! I forget what my luggage looks like.

   ---What do you think of ____ over there?

A. that B. this C. it D. the one

50.______  is the power of TV that it can make a person suddenly famous.

A. This B. Such C. That D. So

51. I have been told that she was really nice but she was ____ nice when I met her.

A. anything but B. nothing but C. something but D. everything but

52.Some of the students were late for the meeting, but I cant remember _____.

A. which B. when C. whom D. what

53.Good families are much to all their members, but _____ to none.

A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing

54._____ the Hong Kong singers current popularity, she was largely unknown in the Chinese mainland before the talent show.

A. While B. Although C. As D. Despite

55. _____ the Hong Kong singer is popular , she was largely unknown in the Chinese mainland before the talent show.

A. While B. When C. As D. Despite

56.You _____anything the attention you should, if you have too many irons in the fire.

A. could have given B. must have given C. can’t give D. mustnt give

57.You _____anything the attention you should, if you had too many irons in the fire.

A. could have given B. must have given C. couldnt give D. mustnt give

58.---It cost me 30 yuan to get here.

  ---Well, it was crazy of you to take a taxi _____ you would come by bus as well.

A. if B. when C. while D. because

59.When I reached the top of the stairs I saw a dog lying there, so I walked ____ it to the door and rang the doorbell.

A. around B. over C. across D. through

60.The more exposure you have ______ the language you are trying to learn, the easier it is going to be to learn it.

A. for B. to C. in D. on

61. We know from their greeting how much they expect _____ us. We wont let them down.

A. for B. to C. in D. of

62.---Did Jane really tell Bill he was dull?

---Exactly. _____ that, she said he was unfriendly.

A. Except for    B. Apart from C. In spite of D. On the top of

63.____much we admire Shakespeare’s comedies, we cant agree that they are superior to his tragedies.

A. As B. However C. While D. Although

64. Much____ we admire Shakespeare’s comedies, we cant agree that they are superior to his tragedies.

A. As B. However C. While D. Although

65. I had to withdraw my child from the kindergarten room. He ____ such a good time that he wouldnt leave.

A. had had B. would have C. was having D. had

66.---My boss said that he would raise my salary some time in the future.

  ----That’s not good enough. You should get a(n) ______ undertaking.

A. definite B. ambitious C. serious D. voluntary

67. John was ______ his words carefully because he didnt want to be misunderstood by the girl.

A. weighing B. spreading C. understanding D. polishing

68. . ---How long do you think it is ______ he arrived here?

   --- Perhaps two or three years.

 A. since      B. before     C. that     D. when

69.--- How long do you think it will be _____he arrives here?

---Perhaps two or three years.

A. since      B. before     C. that     D. when

70. I had been working hard and it ended up working out in my ____.

A. favor B. heart C. case D. community

71.---Is he said _____ his car lost?

   ---Yes, he was so foolish____ leave his car _____.

A. to have, for him to, unlocked B. to have, to, unlock

C. to have had, as to, unlocked D. to have had, that, unlocked

72.The flu is believed _____ by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human noses and throat.

A. to have been caused B. to have caused C. to be caused D. to cause

73. The hungry boy kept his eyes _____on the food on the table with his hands ____on his chest.

A. fixing, crossed B. looking, crossing C. fixed, crossed D. looked, crossing

74.---What about the services in this hotel?

 ---They are at least as good as, if not superior to, ____ in yours.

A. it B. the one C. that D. those

75.To most people acting is attractive, business isnt. It works ______ way around for John.

A. another B. the other C. other D. any other

76. What good is it_____ a boat when you don’t have enough spare time to use it?

A. having bought B. to have bought C. buying D. to buy

77.I have visited a lot of different places and stayed in lot s of different hotels, but none ____ yours.

A. matches B. go with C. suits D. beats

78.---Which of the dresses do you like best?

  ---I will take _____ because they are both expensive and out of fashion.

A. either B. none C. neither D. both

79.Most of _____ we call geniuses are successful only because they have made extraordinary efforts.

A. what B. who C. whom D. which


1-5ACAAB 6-10 DACBC 11-15 DAACD 16-20 DDABA 21-25DBCBB 26-30ABBCC

31-35BADAA 36-40CCBBB 41-45CABAD 46-50ADDAB 51-55 AAADA 56-60CCBAB

61-65DBBAC 66-70AAABA 71-75CACDB 76-79CABA