第一部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Do you want to buy some toys for your children? I will give you some choices.
Little Live Scruff-A-Luvs
Price: $34.37 Sale: $19.72 Shipping: FREE
These unloved and abandoned pets are in need of your help! When you buy a pink Scruff-a-Luv, it may arrive as a sad ball of fur. But once you bathe it, dry it, brush it and love it, you will discover what kind of pet it really is! Just like real pets, the more time you spend caring for it, the cuter it’ll become.
FurReal Munchin’s Rex
Price: $39.48 Sale: $20.68 Shipping: $3
When kids wave at him or feed him his treats, the baby dinosaur responds with 35 sound-and-motion combinations. It has cool dinosaur-habitat sounds---maybe this is what a prehistoric jungle sounded like. Ages 4 and up. 4*1.5v AA batteries required. Batteries included.
LEGO Technic Porsche
Price: $100 Sale: $78 Shipping: $6
Build a recreation of the ultimate Porsche, featuring true-to-life orange body work, headlights and taillights, as well as low-profile tires. The package includes a special collector’s book recording the history of LEGO Technic and Porsche GT cars. LEGO Technic building toys are matched with all LEGO construction sets for creative building.
VTech Touch & Swipe Baby Phone
Price: $15.99 Sale: $14.96 Shipping: $5
This is a touch-screen kid’s phone with 12 light-up pretend apps, including the pretend calendar, clock, and weather. The 12 apps respond to touch and light up. Home button saves your phone number so that kids can pretend to call home. The baby phone is designed for six-month to three-year olds.
1. What do we know about those Scruff-a-Luv toys?
A. They need more care from kids than real pets.
B. They don’t seem to be very happy toy pets.
C. They don’t look appealing at first.
D. They should be bathed every day.
2. What can LEGO Technic Porsche offer kids?
A. The fun of competing with others. B. The chance to develop their creativity.
C. The opportunity to learn responsibility. D. The pleasure of owning various toy cars.
3. On a tight budget, which of the following will Mike probably buy?
A. FurReal Munchin’s Rex
B. LEGO Technic Porsche
C. Little Live Scruff-A-Luvs
D. VTech Touch & Swipe Baby Phone
NASA is launching its latest spacecraft this week, the Parker Solar Probe(探测器). The robotic craft will fly closer to the Sun than any man-made object has ever been before, sending back invaluable new data on the star’s properties(特性) and atmospheric conditions over a seven-year period. The project is named in honour of American physicist Eugene Parker who first put forward the theory on the nature of solar winds in 1958.
The probe will be attached to a rocket and sent into space from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on the morning of Saturday 11 August. The rocket is second only to spaceX’s Falcon Heavy in terms of power. It will travel at a speed of 125 miles a second on the way, making it one of the fastest ever built. It is scheduled to use the gravity of Venus on October 2nd this year—slowing its approach and allowing greater control—and hit the first perihelion (the point in its orbit when it is closest to the Sun) by November 5th. On arrival, the Parker Solar Probe will orbit around the Sun 24 times until late 2025, each complete orbit taking 88 days, passing at a distance of 3.83 million miles from the Sun’s surface on its closest approach.
Specifically, the project is intended to gather new information on “space weather” conditions that influence the earth, what causes solar winds to accelerate and behave as they do and what causes the huge eruptions astronomers have observed. “We don’t have a strong understanding of the mechanisms that drive that wind towards us, and that’s what we’re heading out to discover,” said project scientist Dr. Nicky Fox of the John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.
4. The passage probably came out__________________.
A. On August 11th, 2018. B. On October 2nd, 2018
C. On August 6th, 2018. D. On November 5th, 2018
5. From the second paragraph, we can know _______________.
A. The rocket to which the probe will be attached is more powerful than SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy.
B. The probe will be the closest to the sun in 2025.
C. The probe will travel at a speed of 7,500 miles per minute on the way.
D. The probe will travel slow and then speed up a bit.
6. The project is named the “Parker Solar Probe”_________________.
A. In honor of the designer of the probe.
B. To honor a pioneer in the field.
C. In memory of the place of the launch.
D. To mark a special occasion.
7. One of the objectives of the launch is ____________________.
A. to observe the earth at a distance.
B. to supervise the activities of astronomers.
C. to explore solar winds.
D. to accelerate solar winds.
Heart attacks can affect anyone, but are especially threatening for women. Not only do the symptoms appear differently in women, but a new study suggests the gender of the medical provider who treats a woman having a heart attack may mean the difference between life and death.
Research published this week found that a woman is more likely to survive a heart attack if she receives care from a female emergency room doctor. The study was based on 582,000 patients in Florida hospitals from 1991 to 2010. Alarmingly, the study showed that women patients were less likely to survive heart attacks than male patients, and that the largest gap in survival rates between genders occurred under male doctors.
Among heart attack patients treated by women doctors, 11.8 percent of men died compared with 12 percent of women---a relatively small disparity. But the gap was larger for heart attack patients under the care of male doctors. In that group, 12.6 percent of men died and 13.3 percent of women died. The data took into account factors such as race, age and medical history.
The finding “suggest that having training programs that are more gender-neutral, or showing how men and women might present symptoms differently, could improve outcomes for female patients,” Seth Carnahan, one of the study’s authors, said in a statement.
One of the main factors affecting the quality of care that women patients receive is communication with their doctors, according to Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, a fellow of the American Heart Association. “What I tell all women is that they need to really understand that how they communicate is the most important thing,” said Steinbaum. “If they believe that they’re having a heart issue or are unsure of what’s going on, it becomes important for them to say ‘I think it might be my heart,’ because then the doctor will look for problem with it.”
Effective communication is a vital part of receiving quality treatment, but the study also highlights a need for doctors to change the way they treat women’s medical symptoms. Research shows many doctors really don’t take women’s pain seriously.
8. After analyzing data from 582,000 patients, what did the researchers find?
A. female doctors knew about heart attacks better.
B. women patients preferred to be treated by female doctors.
C. women were better at working as emergency room doctors.
D. female doctors could help women heart attack victims better.
9. What does the underlined word “disparity” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A. comparison B. difference C. disagreement D. increase
10.According to Seth Carnahan, what do the findings of the study suggest?
A. more female doctors should be employed.
B. the medical history of patients should be referred to.
C. male doctors should receive more training than female ones.
D. training programs on heart attack treatment should be improved.
11. What’s the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A. to show findings of a new medical study.
B. to warn male doctors of potential risks.
C. to encourage people to trust doctors.
D. to talk about heat attacks.
For the latter part of the 1900s, most alcohol advertising on TV was banned. During this time, the number of minors(未成年人) drinking alcohol declined. Several years ago the ban was lifted and alcohol ads returned to television. Since then the number of minors drinking alcohol has grown.
A study conducted by the University of California Berkley shows that alcohol ads increase the abuse of alcohol, positive attitudes to it, and consumption of it in minors. Congressman Wolfe from Virginia also finds that alcohol advertising increases drunk driving and alcohol abuse in under-age individuals. A survey completed in California and South Dakota schools finds that teens that are frequently exposed to alcohol advertising often begin consuming it in the next year or so.
Adolescence is a time of brain development when anything that provides a thrill, like alcohol, is an attraction. And minors drink alcohol mainly to be like their friends. From a very early age, children want to fit in. Other than socializing, some doing that just try to cope with problems or stress. However, drinking alcohol will bring about many problems. Getting rid of these ads would lessen the under-age individuals’ urges to consume or abuse alcohol.
The companies who produce the ads say they target audiences well into adulthood by using older actors. They call it “Responsible Advertising”. The truth is that these companies well know that their ads are played in front of minors. They even try to appeal to teens by using music, animals, and humor which according to several studies are all the things that under-age individuals respond to in an advertisement. Do these companies really believe that simply stating “consume responsibly” and showing no visible consumption of alcohol really cover their actual intentions?
After all these studies and surveys are taken into account, one conclusion is clear: the companies who make the ads know very well that they are supporting underage drinking and alcohol abuse. People can stand up against these companies by addressing Congress to take action and re-ban these ads. If enough people voice their concerns, they can do just that.
12. The author mentioned the findings in the second Paragraph___________.
A. to show alcohol ads’ negative effects on minors.
B. to tell us the danger of minors’drunk driving.
C. to tell us the harm of minors’drinking alcohol.
D. To show the Congressman’s attitude towards minor’s consuming alcohol.
13. According to the third paragraph, we know__________________.
A. the reason why alcohol ads attract minors
B. the reason why minors tend to drink alcohol
C. the way that alcohol affects minor’s life
D. the way that minors handle problems with alcohol
14. What can we infer from the passage?
A. Minors tend to do what they are forbidden to .
B. Minors know little about “consume responsibly”.
C. The ad companies’ target consumers actually include minors.
D. The ad companies employ older actors mainly to attract adults.
15. What is the passage mainly about?
A. The phenomenon about the alcohol consumption
B. The reasons for minors’ consumption in alcohol
C. Alcohol advertising and its effects on minors
D. The reasons for banning alcohol consumption in minors

University Guide
Where you choose to go to school is one of the most important decisions that you will make. Below are some things to consider for making that tough decision on where to go to school.
16 Whether you decide to stay close to home or to move to a more distant place, this decision will have an obvious impact on your life. Staying nearby will allow you a measure of familiarity with your surroundings and probably means that you will have a network of friends and family nearby. A more different location can be exciting and provides the opportunity to explore new places and meet new people. 17 Can you weather the weather?
Non-academic opportunities vary widely from school to school. 18 Sports, drama, music, and art are only a few possibilities. If you can find a school that fits well with your interests, the educational process will be much more enjoyable.
19 Larger schools will probably have much to offer in the way of extracurricular activities and may provide a greater pool of people to meet. Smaller schools, on the other hand, will often be able to offer students much more attention than a huge institution can.
Finding the right university is a process that will be different for each student. Knowing what you are looking for is the first (and potentially the hardest) part of the process. 20

A. It all depends on you.
B. The size of a university will greatly affect your experience.
C. The location of the university is one of the first things to consider.
D. When deciding on a new region, don’t forget to investigate the climate.
E. An educational career is affected by the coursework that institutions offer.
F. Investigate the various programs offered at universities you are interested in.
G. A measure of reflection will help to focus and balance your needs and desires.

第二部分 英语知识运用
第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba Group has opened its first “future hotel”, also known ___21___“Flyzoo Hotel”, in Hangzhou, China, according to local media reports. The ____22____ hotel marks the company’s ____23____ into the Internet of Things Sector.
Wang Wun, CEO of the ALibaba Flyzoo Hotel, said that the hotel is more ____24___than other hotels thanks to its upgraded hotel management system capability. He said the range of digital solutions Alibaba has brought to Flyzoo is evidence of the group’s new ____25___ to the industry.
Robots can be found ___26___ in the hotel, and they guide guests by providing ___27____ voice messages and accompanying them during their ___28____. Guests also can control indoor ____29____ , lighting intensity(强度) and household devices through their voices.
The hotel is ____30_____ with an artificial-intelligence management system called the “ Tmall Genie” . The assistant can carry out a number of ___31____from ordering room service to __32__the television channels and closing the curtains. “ The new AI system will help to improve the management efficiency of the hotel by ___33____ more than half of the labor forces,” said Qun. The furniture and other ___34____ in the hotel can be purchased merely by taking photos through an app. Flyzoo Hotel also has seven themed rooms, each of which is able to create a better living _____35_____ for its guests.
Alibaba’s A.I. Labs created a hotel robot, which is capable of ___36____ meals to guests and returning laundry. “A.I. Labs’ robot is the next step in the ____37____ towards smart hotels.” said Lijuan Chen, GM of Alibaba’s A.I. Labs, in a ____38____. “In addition, it is solving pain points in the hotel sector, such as improving service efficiency, with our leading AI technology. The robot will be the ultimate assistant for hotel _____39____ who want everything quickly and ____40____ at their fingertips”

21.A. to B. as C. for D. with
22.A. unapproved B. unaccompanied C. unadmitted D. unmanned
23.A. entrance B. exit C. existence D. admission
24.A. efficient B. perfect C. influential D. profound
25.A. exposure B. approach C. application D. choice
26.A. somewhere B. everywhere C. nowhere D. wherever
27.A. loud B. noisy C. recorded D. downloaded
28.A. stop B. leave C. stay D. accommodation
29.A. temperatures B. furniture C. colors D. sizes
30.A. supplied B. decorated C. offered D. equipped
31.A. missions B. responsibilities C. practices D. tasks
32.A. changing B. adjusting C. turning on D. turning off
33.A. increasing B. reducing C. declining D. falling
34.A. items B. materials C. belongings D. possessions
35.A. background B. emotion C. experience D. expense
36.A. cooking B. purchasing C. handing D. delivering
37.A. existence B. presence C. evolution D. attitude
38.A. biography B. document C. statement D. notice
39.A. guests B. managers C. waiters D. administrators
40.A. cautiously B. steadily C. smoothly D. conveniently

第二节 语法填空 (共10个小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Stewart was only 18 when the first Twilight movie came (41) ________. After the final Twilight film (42) ________ (release), Stewart’ departure from the mainstream was pronounced. She acted with Juliette Binoche in Clouds of Sils Maria, a role for (43) ________ she was the first American actress to win a Cesar award. Her choices were varied and unexpected: She played a witch in Personal Shopper and made a movie about falling in love in (44) ________ emotionless society. Her career became, as she describes it, “a random game ”. She chose to work with friends instead of big names and didn’t mind making (45) ________ she calls “weird, risky mistakes”. Take, for example, how she describes meeting Elizabeth Banks for the first time —Banks has directed Charlie’s Angels, which comes out in November, (46) ________ (feature) Stewart as one of the leads. The pair happened (47) ________ (be) at the same party at the Venice Film Festival a few years ago. Banks came up to Stewart, (48) ________ (tell) her she was a fan and asked if she was having a good time. “And then she said what would be the (49) ________ (much) annoying thing to hear (50) ________ anyone else. ” says Stewart, “which was, ‘You’ve got to have fun with it.’ ” She smiles at the memory. “I’m trying.”

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在其下面写出该加的词 。
修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。
Dear Peter,
How are you doing? I’m delighted to know you show greater interest in the programme naming Everlasting Classics. Sadly, it has been come to an end. But I wanted to invite you to China for a visit, considering your passion for Chinese culture.
I highly recommend you to pay visit to the Great Wall and the Forbidden City, which you must be amazed at the great works of ancient Chinese people. Beside, you can take a walk along Nanluogu Lane to feel the architectural style of the old building like Siheyuan. Not only can you experience traditionally Chinese culture, but also you can try all kinds of local foods by the way.
Waiting for your coming.
Li Hua

第二节 书面表达 (满分 25分)
1. 拍摄短片的目的;
2. 短片的内容;
3. 拍摄的时间和地点。
注意:1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 信的开头和结束语已为你写好。
Dear Jonny,
Our school will have the 100th anniversary celebration of its founding.___________________
Yours truly,
Li Hua

英语试卷 答案

七选五:16. CDFBG
语篇填空:41. out 42. was released 43. which 44. an 45. what
46. featuring 47. to be 48. told 49. most 50. from
1.greater----great 2. naming----named 3. been 去掉 4. wanted----want
5.pay和visit 之间加a 6. which----where 7. Beside----Besides
8. building----buildings 9. traditionally----traditional 10. by----on/along
Dear Jonny,
Our school will have the 100th anniversary celebration of its founding. I am writing to invite you to join us in the shoot of a short video for this significant event.
In the video, we will share with others what we have experienced and how we feel about our school. Besides, some graduates will also take part, expressing their best wishes for a bright future in both English and Chinese,
The shoot is scheduled to start at 8 am. next Friday at the Cherry Garden . Do come and join us. Looking forward to your early reply.
Yours truly,
Li Hua