


 I am an educator born to make a difference. I have spent my entire life at the ___21___. And we know why kids drop out. But one of the things that we never discuss or we ___22___ discuss is the value and importance of human ___23___.
A colleague said to me, “They don’t pay me to ___24___ the kids. They pay me to teach a ___25___.” Well, I said to her, “You know, kids don’t learn from people they don’t like.” Some think that you can either have it in you to build a ___26___, or you don’t. I have had classes that were so ___27___ that I cried. I wondered, “How am I going to ___28___ this group, in nine months, from where they are to where they need to be? It was difficult, awfully ___29___. How do I ___30___ the self-esteem (自尊) of a child and his academic achievement at the same time?”
One year I ___31___ a bright idea. I told my students, “You were ___32___ to be in my class because I am the best and you are the best.” One of the students said, “Really?” I said, “Really. We have to show the other classes how to do it, so when we walk down the hall, people will ___33___ us, so you can’t make noise.” And I gave them a saying to say: “I am ___34___. I was somebody when I came. I’ll be a better somebody when I leave. I ___35___ the education that I get here. I have things to do, people to impress, and places to go.”
Teaching and learning should ___36___ joy. How ___37___ would our world be if we had kids who were not afraid to take risks, who were not afraid to think, and who had a ___38___? Every child deserves a champion. An educator should be an adult who will never ___39___ on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the ___40___ that they can possibly be.
21. A. school building B. college C. community center D. prison
22. A. frequently B. partly C. finally D. rarely
23. A. relative B. connection C. experience D. understanding
24. A. please B. satisfy C. like D. treat
25. A. lesson B. joke C. way D. class
26. A. friendship B. bridge C. gap D. relationship
27. A. excellent B. low C. sad D. adaptable
28. A. join B. own C. take D. manage
29. A. upset B. boring C. frustrated D. hard
30. A. raise B. arise C. show D. control
31. A. came out B. came to C. came up with D. came about
32. A. led B. placed C. chosen D. thrown
33. A. notice B. look C. find D. call
34. A. nothing B. somebody C. anybody D. something
35. A. reserve B. expect C. observe D. deserve
36. A. catch B. bring C. express D. indicate
37. A. powerful B. magical C. fearful D. imaginative
38. A. prize B. supporter C. teacher D. champion
39. A. put up B. depend C. give up D. refuse
40. A. bright B. best C. confident D. determined
【答案】21. A 22. D 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. D 27. B 28. C 29. D 30. A 31. C 32. C 33. A 34. B 35. D 36. B 37. A 38. D 39. C 40. B

考查副词辨析。A. frequently频繁地;B. partly部分地;C. finally最后;D. rarely很少。句首But意思转折,与or前的we never discuss并列,指我们从未讨论或很少讨论人类关系的价值和重要性。和never意思一致,故选D.
考查名词辨析。A. relative亲戚;B. connection关系;C. experience经验;D. understanding理解。根据下文的the self-esteem (自尊) of a child and his academic achievement, Teaching and learning, the power of connection可知是自尊和学业,教和学的这些人类关系。故选B.
考查动词辨析。A. please使高兴;B. satisfy满足;C. like喜欢;D. treat治疗,对待。此处指家长花钱不是让我喜欢他们的孩子,而是花钱让我教他们的孩子课程。故选C.
考查名词辨析。A. lesson课;B. joke玩笑;C. way方法;D. class班级。此处指家长花钱让老师教他们的孩子课程,故选A.
考查名词辨析。A. friendship友谊;B. bridge桥;C. gap间隙;D. relationship关系。有的认为你有能力建立关系,或者不能。与文中的connection意思一致,故选D.
考查形容词辨析。A. excellent极好的;B. low低的;C. sad难过的;D. adaptable适合的。我曾经上过水平很低的课,以至于我都哭了。指讲课水平低,故选B.
考查动词辨析。A. join参加;B. own拥有;C. take拿,接受;D. manage管理。此处指我怎样接受这群人,在九个月内改变这些人。指接受学生们,故选C.
考查形容词辨析。A. upset心烦的;B. boring无聊的;C. frustrated失意的;D. hard困难的。与difficult意思一致,指改变他们很难,非常难。故选D.
考查动词辨析。A. raise提高;B. arise出现,上升;C. show显示;D. control控制。此处指怎样同时提高他们的自尊和学业水平,表示提高,故选A.
考查动词短语辨析。A. came out结果是;B. came to共计;C. came up with提出;D. came about发生。此处指有一天我提出了一个聪明的想法,come up with idea想出主意,提出想法。故选C.
考查动词辨析。A. led领导;B. placed放置;C. chosen选择;D. thrown扔掉。我告诉学生们:“你们被选入我的班级是因为我是****的,你们也是****的”。表示选择,故选C.
考查动词辨析。A. notice注意;B. look看;C. find找到;D. call呼叫。我们从走廊过时,人们会注意我们,所以我们不能制造噪音。表示注意,故选A.

考查动词辨析。A. reserve预定;B. expect期望;C. observe观察;D. deserve应受。此处指我应该得到这里的教育,表示应受,应得,故选D.
考查动词辨析。A. catch赶上;B. bring带来;C. express表达;D. indicate表明。作者认为教和学应该带来快乐,根据句意选B.
考查形容词辨析。A. powerful强大的,强有力的;B. magical有魔力的;C. fearful可怕的;D. imaginative富于想象的。如果我们的孩子不害怕冒险,不害怕思考,世界会多么强大。故选A.
考查名词辨析。A. prize奖品;B. supporter支持者;C. teacher教师;D. champion冠军,战士。此处指孩子们是冠军,描述对象是孩子们,下句Every child deserves a champion.给了提示,故选D.
考查动词辨析。A. put up建造;B. depend依靠;C. give up放弃;D. refuse拒绝。教育者应该对孩子们永不放弃,故选C.
考查形容词辨析。A. bright明亮的;B. best****的;C. confident自信的;D. determined坚决的。教育者应该坚信他们会成为****的自己。与上文I am the best呼应,故选B.
【点睛】完形填空的解题技巧之一就是要根据上下文来学会“推理”出****选项。同学们要遵循“上下求索”的原则来查找信息。例如,小题1根据I am an educator和why kids drop out.可知作者是教育工作者,所以是一生在学校的教学楼度过,故选school building.小题2句首But意思转折,与or前的we never discuss并列,指我们从未讨论或很少讨论人类关系的价值和重要性。和never意思一致,故选rarely.小题3根据下文的the self-esteem (自尊) of a child and his academic achievement, Teaching and learning, the power of connection可知是自尊和学业,教和学的这些人类关系。故选connection. 小题14 与句中I was somebody when I came. I’ll be a better somebody when I leave.两次提到的somebody一致,告诉我们应该是什么样的人。故选somebody.小题18 此处指孩子们是冠军,描述对象是孩子们,下句Every child deserves a champion.给了提示,故选champion.