


   You may always hear about people who knew exactly what they wanted to do with their life from the time they were in kindergarten.I hadn’t considered lots of career___21___when I graduated from high school.Like most students who earn good grades in math and science classes,I found people___22___me to be an engineer.But all of that changed when I went to my___23___.
I will never forget the feeling of walking into my very first Biology___24___.I nervously found a seat and waited for the type of___25___you see in TV shows,old and strict.What I got was exactly___26___.Dr.Espinoza was a caring and___27___teacher,and two terms of her classes made me fall in love with Biology.Her exciting classes made me___28___that I had other choices besides being a(n)___29___.It meant I was headed for a career in biological research.
_   __30___Dr.Espinoza and many other professors like her,I found that scientists aren’t just what you___31___on the National Geographic channel.They are real people who answer real questions and___32___real problems.This led me to seek out___33___to do real science projects and see if I___34___it.While I was at university,I learned how to ask good questions,how to___35___experiments and collect data,and how to share what I learned with people.As it___36___I loved every minute of it.
    Falling in love with___37___was a long process for me,but it led me to a job I love.Like the science itself,my journey toward being a scientist was___38___,but helped along by many teachers and professors who___39___me the way.Now,I try my best to learn new things and___40___new knowledge.
21. A. development B. difficulty C. choices D. requirements
22. A. appointing B. forcing C. allowing D. encouraging
23. A. university B. office C. room D. lab
24. A. experiment B. lecture C. test D. teamwork
25. A. agent B. volunteer C. host D. professor
26. A. opposite B. traditional C. typical D. similar
27. A. average B. casual C. enthusiastic D. severe
28. A. realize B. regret C. refuse D. recall
29. A. lawyer B. educator C. scholar D. engineer
30. A. As to B. Due to C. On behalf of D. In spite of
31. A. take care of B. make fun of C. learn about D. search for
32. A. solve B. bring C. raise D. ignore
33. A. concepts B. opportunities C. faith D. ambition
34. A. enjoyed B. doubted C. recommended D. acknowledged
35. A. replace B. predict C. conduct D. copy
36. A. came about B. broke up C. set off D. turned out
37. A. literature B. science C. language D. art
38. A. precious B. smooth C. beneficial D. slow
39. A. promised B. showed C. left D. awarded
40. A. record B. admire C. create D. forget
【答案】21. C 22. D 23. A 24. B 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. A 29. D 30. B 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. A 35. C 36. D 37. B 38. D 39. B 40. C
考查名词。A. development发展;B. difficulty困难;C. choices选择;D. requirements需要。根据.I hadn’t considered lots of career___1___when I graduated from high school.可知,当我从高中毕业的时候,我没有考虑过很多职业选择。故选C。
考查动词。A. appointing任命; B. forcing强迫;C. allowing允许;D. encouraging鼓励。根据Like most students who earn good grades in math and science classes,I found people___2___me to be an engineer.可知,像大多数在数学和科学课上取得好成绩的学生一样,我发现人们鼓励我成为一名工程师。故选D。
考查名词。A. university大学;B. office办公室;C. room房间;D. lab实验室。根据But all of that changed when I went to my___3___.可知,但当我上大学的时候,一切都变了。故选A。
考查名词。A. experiment实验;B. lecture演讲;C. test 测试;D. teamwork团队合作。根据I will never forget the feeling of walking into my very frrst Biology___4___.可知,我永远不会忘记我第一次生物学讲座的感觉。故选B。

考查形容词。A. opposite相反的;B. traditional传统的;C. typical典型的; D. similar相似的。根据What I got was exactly___6___.可知,我得到的结果正好相反。故选A。
考查形容词。A. average平均的;B. casual随便的;C. enthusiastic热情的; D. severe严重的。根据Dr.Espinoza was a caring and___7___teacher,and two terms of her classes made me fall in love with Biology.可知,Dr.Espinoza是一位充满爱心和热情的老师,她的两门课让我爱上了生物学。故选C。
考查动词。A. realize意识到;B. regret后悔;C. refuse拒绝;D. recall回想起。根据Her exciting classes made me___8___that I had other choices besides being a(n)___9___.可知,她激动人心的课程让我意识到,除了做工程师之外,我还有其他选择。故选A。
考查名词。A. lawyer律师;B. educator教育家;C. scholar学者;D. engineer工程师。根据Her exciting classes made me___8___that I had other choices besides being a(n)___9___.可知,她激动人心的课程让我意识到,除了做工程师之外,我还有其他选择。故选D。
考查词组。A. As to 至于; B. Due to由于; C. On behalf of 代表; D. In spite of尽管。根据___10___Dr.Espinoza and many other professors like her,I found that scientists aren’t just what you___11___on the National Geographic channel.可知,由于Dr.Espinoza和其他许多像她一样的教授,我发现科学家不仅仅是你在the National Geographic channel学到的东西。故选B。
考查动词词组。A. take care of 照顾;B. make fun of取笑;C. learn about 了解; D. search for寻找。根据___10___Dr.Espinoza and many other professors like her,I found that scientists aren’t just what you___11___on the National Geographic channel.可知,由于Dr.Espinoza和其他许多像她一样的教授,我发现科学家不仅仅是你在the National Geographic channel学到的东西。故选C。
考查动词。A. solve解决;B. bring 拿来;C. raise 提高; D. ignore忽视。根据They are real people who answer real questions and___12___real problems.可知,他们是真正的人,他们回答真正的问题,解决真正的问题。故选A。
考查名词。A. concepts概念; B. opportunities机会; C. faith信仰; D. ambition雄心。根据This led me to seek out___13___to do real science projects and see if I___14___it.可知,这让我寻找机会去做真正的科学项目,看看我是否喜欢它。故选B。
考查动词。A. enjoyed 喜爱; B. doubted 怀疑; C. recommended 一件; D. ackhowledged获得。根据This led me to seek out___13___to do real science projects and see if I___14___it.可知,这让我寻找机会去做真正的科学项目,看看我是否喜欢它。故选A。
考查动词。A. replace替代; B. predict预测; C. conduct 管理; D. copy复制。根据While I was at university,I learned how to ask good questions,how to___15___experiments and collect data,and how to share what I learned with people.可知,当我在大学的时候,我学会了如何问好问题,如何进行实验和收集数据,以及如何与人分享我学到的东西。故选C。
考查动词词组。A. came about产生; B. broke up分手,结束; C. set off出发; D. turned out结果是。根据As it___16___I loved every minute of it.可知,正如结果所示,我喜欢它的每一分钟。故选D。
考查名词。A. literature文学; B. science科学; C. language 语言; D. art艺术。根据Falling in love with___17___was a long process for me,but it led me to a job I love.可知,爱上科学对我来说是一个漫长的过程,但它让我找到了一份我喜欢的工作。故选B。

考查动词。A. promised 许诺; B. showed 出示; C. left离开; D. awarded得到回报。根据Like the science itself,my journey toward being a scientist was___18___,but helped along by many teachers and professors who___19___me the way.可知,就像科学本身一样,我作为一名科学家的旅程也很缓慢,但在许多老师和教授的帮助下,他们向我展示了这条路。故选B。
考查动词。A. record记录; B. admire 钦佩; C. create 创造; D. forget忘记。根据Now,I try my best to learn new things and___20___new knowledge.可知,现在,我尽我****的努力去学习新的东西,创造新的知识。故选C。

二、阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以可以填入空白处的****选顶。
   As my husband, Doug, stood on the busy New York city street to stop a taxi,I tried to protect my daugher from the cold December wind and rain.I Put niy head down to kiss her tiny face.
___21___ and wet, my husband gave up his attempt to nag down a taxi.I knew the ___22___.Just after her first birthday,we were told our daughter Katie has a ___23___brain illness.Since that moment, Doung and I felt like runners in a marathon race where the finish line kept ___24___ . We knew Katie was runn.ng out of ___25___. It had taken months before we finally had a name for the ___26___,but we were told only a few specialists in the world knew how to___27___ it. Now, as we finally found a brilliant doctor to ___28___ our girl, we were in a strange ___29___ in the cold rain.
   Just at the moment, a middle-aged woman pulled over and said, “Pardon me? May I offer you a(n)___30___?”
Before we could say anything, she continued, “It's really no___31___for me. Just get in.”
It was then that I noticed her thick Irish accent , which ___32___me up like hot soup. We simply said, “Thanks! Roosevelt Hospital, please,” as we got in her car for the ride.
  “Are you going___33___the baby?” she asked us.
   I nodded my head, holding back my ___34___.
   At the hospital, we ___35___her a dozen times for the ride. As the woman hugged me, I___36___her face was wet with tears. She promised to ___37___for us before she left.
After three more visits to New York and two more ___38___surgeries (手术),Katie is cured.But the ___39___ of the Irish Angel still rang as a constant reminder of a tiny ray of light that appeared in our___40___ days.
21. A. Excited B. Frustrated C. Worried D. Satisfied
22. A. feeling B. spirit C. message D. sense
23. A. simple B. rare C. normal D. natural
24. A. coming B. lowering C. disappearing D. running
25. A. time B. confidence C. money D. courage
26. A. race B. illness C. doctor illness D. challenge
27. A. explain B. check C. reach D. fix
28. A. protect B. meet C. save D. encourage
29. A. country B. hospital C. town D. city
30. A. seat B. ride C. car D. umbrella
31. A. trouble B. difference C. question D. loss
32. A. picked B. called C. warmed D. woke
33. A. to B. after C. for D. with
34. A. surprise B. anger C. smile D. tears
35. A. thanked B. praised C. respected D. accepted
36. A. guessed B. believed C. understood D. noticed
37. A. work B. sing C. pray D. drive
38. A. eye B. brain C. kidney D. heart
39. A. voice B. bravery C. reward D. advice
40. A. busiest B. luckiest C. happiest D. darkest
【答案】21. B 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. A 26. B 27. D 28. C 29. D 30. B 31. A 32. C 33. C 34. D 35. A 36. D 37. C 38. B 39. A 40. D
考查形容词。A. Excited兴奋的; B. Frustrated 挫败的; C. Worried 担忧的; D. Satisfied满意的。根据第一段中wind and rain. 可知,由于挫败和淋湿,我丈夫放弃了拦出租车的企图。故选B。

考查形容词。A. simple简单的; B. rare罕见的; C. normal正常的; D. natural自然的。她的第一个生日之后,我们告诉女儿她得了一种罕见的脑疾病。故选B。
考查形容词。A. coming 即将到来的; B. lowering 使低劣的; C. normal正常的; D. natural自然的。从那一刻起,Doug和我就像马拉松赛跑中的赛跑运动员一样,把终点线当做正常的地方。故选C。
考查名词。A. time时间; B. confidence自信; C. money 金钱; D. courage勇气。我们知道凯蒂快没时间了。故选A。
考查名词。A. race 比赛; B. illness 疾病; C. doctor 医生; D. challenge挑战。过了几个月我们终于知道了这个病的名称。故选B。
考查动词。A. explain 解释; B. check 核对; C. reach到达; D. fix安装,修理。但是我们被告诉世界上只有几个****知道怎样治疗它。故选D。
考查动词。A. protect 保护; B. meet 遇见; C. save 挽救,节约; D. encourage鼓励。因为我们终于找到了一位高明的医生来救我们的女儿,所以我们现在在一个陌生的城市里,在寒冷的雨中。故选C。
考查名词。A. country国家; B. hospital医生; C. town 城镇; D. city城市。因为我们终于找到了一位高明的医生来救我们的女儿,我们现在在一个陌生的城市里,在寒冷的雨中。故选D。
考查名词。A. trouble 麻烦; B. difference区分,不同; C. question 问题; D. loss损失。正在这时,一个中年妇女停下来说,“打扰一下,我可以给你们提供一个不同吗?”故选B。
考查名词。A. trouble 麻烦; B. difference区分,不同; C. question 问题; D. loss损失。我们来不及说,她继续说到,“这对我来说真的没什么麻烦。”故选A。
考查动词。A. picked 捡,摘; B. called 打电话; C. warmed 使---温暖; D. woke使醒来。就在那时,我注意到她浓重的爱尔兰口音,这就像热汤一样温暖我。故选C。
考查名词。A. surprise 惊讶; B. anger生气; C. smile 微笑; D. tears泪。我点点头,忍住眼泪。故选D。

考查动词。A. guessed 猜测; B. believed 相信; C. understood 明白,理解; D. noticed注意。当这位女士拥抱我时,我注意到她的脸被泪水打湿了。故选D。
考查动词。A. work 工作; B. sing 唱; C. pray祈祷; D. drive驾驶。她答应在她离开前为我们祈祷。故选C。
考查名词。A. eye 眼; B. brain 头脑; C. kidney 肾脏; D. heart心脏。在三次去纽约和两次脑部手术之后,Katie被治愈了。故选B。
考查名词。A. voice 声音; B. bravery 勇敢; C. reward 报酬; D. advice建议。爱尔兰天使的声音仍然在不断地提醒着一缕微弱的光线,那是在最黑暗的日子里出现的。故选A。
考查形容词。A. busiest忙碌; B. luckiest 幸运; C. happiest 高兴; D. darkest黑暗。爱尔兰天使的声音仍然在不断地提醒着一缕微弱的光线,那是在最黑暗的日子里出现的。故选D。